Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Pluses of On-Demand Publishing

As I said in my previous blog, most writers (myself included) would prefer to have a contract with a publishing house, as that confers a certain degree of respectability and comes with an advance and access to the resources of the company (such as publicity). Having said that, I have come up with a list of positive attributes for the on-demand publishing side of things.

1)      Good for the environment. Your book is not mass-produced, so there’s no pre-publishing guess about how many copies will be needed by the public. Each book represents a desired commodity, and no books get remaindered. This is good for our forests. And as Kindle use grows, even fewer trees will meet the axe.
2)      The book never goes out of print. Once computer files of the book are uploaded, your book will always be available unless you decide to take it down.

3)      No timetable for publicity. If the book is always available, you can do publicity bursts whenever and however you choose.
4)      Corrections can be made quickly and easily.  This point might not seem very important, but if you’ve ever worked in book publishing (as I have), you know the process authors go through to correct typos, etc. By the time changes are incorporated, many thousands of books may have already been produced and purchased.

5)       No second-novel pressure. As a fiction writer, I’m not supposed to talk about this, but many published writers feel some panic about producing a second book. But in this case, if your second title doesn’t sell like the first, you’re the only one to know. In fact, commercial success is moot, though plenty of on-demand publishing authors sell very well (a friend of mine mentioned to me that one of her students had sold more than 10,000 copies).
6)      Less ego involvement. We all like our ego stroked, but there’s a delicious sweetness in sending your book out into the world without fanfare. Like a parent, you trust this creation (which is yours and not yours) to go forth and make its way.

7)      No publishing house author hatred. If you’re a writer whose book has traveled the ordinary publishing house route, this might surprise you, but oftentimes there’s some copy editor or production person gnashing their teeth at the mere mention of your name. I remember this well…such comments as, “Will he ever stop making corrections?” “She’s in my office making kissy sounds over the phone with her husband, and I can’t get her to leave.” “He only thinks he knows Spanish.” “She thinks she lives here, and she keeps staring at my breasts.” “Can you believe that advance? Good god, how I hate her.” (By the way, if you are a publishing house author, follow Cristina Garcia’s--Dreaming in Cuban—lead and send gracious notes to everyone who worked on your book. You’d be surprised how few do this, and a simple thank you goes a long way. Your agent and editor are not the only significant people in the development of your book.)



Saturday, September 8, 2012

Self-Publish or Perish

Roughly two years ago, I finished writing a novel called Dream of an Inland Sea. Unfortunately, I have terrible timing, as Lehman Brothers had just gone into bankruptcy, and most of us were simultaneously learning about real estate derivatives and sensing that our economic security had been horribly undermined.

Many years before, I worked in book publishing in New York City (HarperCollins, Alfred A. Knopf), and I knew that this industry was not unlike others; when people become more conservative regarding financial risks, every business is affected. In book publishing, this means agents and editors view all incoming manuscripts with more reserve than they did before—and this was in addition to the reserve they’d already developed due to Americans’ changing reading habits, the growth of the internet, and the availability of e-books.

But, ever hopeful, I began sending my book to agents. After three or four rejections, I almost had one, but someone at the agency with veto power prevailed. At this point, I went through some soul-searching. Is the book flawed? I wondered. Do I need revisions, or am I satisfied with its vision and execution?

I decided I was happy with the book but that I didn’t have the energy to pursue finding an agent. This decision was, no doubt, affected by the journey I’d been on with my twins, both of whom have special needs. Publishing the book was no longer my most important focus, and I was at peace that I had managed to finish the manuscript. I decided to put it away and bide my time. I had children to raise, and maybe the book didn’t need to be in the marketplace.

Then my high school band mate Dean Fetzer and his wife, Debra, came for a visit. They live in England, and Dean is also a writer. He, too, had not found a place within traditional publishing, but with energy and can-do, he’d begun successfully to self-publish his mystery novels online. During his visit, he said, “Why don’t I help you? Can I read the book?”

At first, I was dubious. When I went through the graduate program at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, “vanity publishing” (which was how self-publishing was once described) was  considered just that: evidence of the author’s feeling of self-importance, a purple signpost announcing the person’s inability to write or, at the very least, to successfully edit his- or her own work.

But the publishing industry has changed, and I decided that I should, too. I have friends who have been successful with the typical publishing route, and I applaud them, and of course, I still wish to join them, as it would be ever so lovely to have an advance and a publicity machine. But because I was at peace about the book, I thought, Why not? The novel might not sell a lot of copies, but maybe someone will enjoy it. That was an electrifying thought, as no writer honestly writes entirely for the self.

So…my book is now available in paper and ebook form. This novel means a great deal to me, and I would be so honored should any of you decide to read it. Here are the links: